Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I wanted to forward this on-

Forwarded to you by the National Autism Association - Northeast Ohio Chapter (NAA-NEO)

"How to Talk to Family and Friends About Your Child's Special Needs"

December 9 at 6:15 p.m.
I am forwarding this information to you about this upcoming great event organized as part of the Family Support Project by the Shaker Family Center. This program is aimed at families raising preschoolers with special needs.

With the holidays coming up, the organizers thought that the topic of "How to Talk to Family and Friends About Your Child's Special Needs" would be timely.

Dinner, childcare and program provided at no cost to families.

Shaker Family Center
19824 Sussex Rd
Shaker Heights, OH

December 9
5:30 to 6:15 dinner

6:30 to 8 pm
"How to Talk to Family and Friends About Your Child's Special Needs"


To register or for more information please contact:
or call the Shaker Family Center at 216.921.2023

Social Skills is BACK!!!

We will be offering Social Skills !
3rd to 5th grade
at Lawrence School in Broadview Hts
on Tuesdays for 6 weeks starting Jan 20th
from 4:30-6:00
Fee- Members $55 Non Members $75
please call or e-mail for more information
Wendy 216-581-4549

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Its not to early!!!


A Middle School Parent's College Prep Guide
You and your teen would be wise to start planning for college no later than middle school. Learn about the seven steps you and your child should take to start the process.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

GREAT gift Ideas

I cant believe the holidays are just around the corner. Here are some ideas -
Choosing Great Gifts for Kids With Learning Difficulties

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Videos on SLD

Check out some helpful videos on Specific Learning Disabilities
Any questions about SLD- please call us - 216-581-4549
We would be happy to help you!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Come Join Us

You are invited to our- Annual Meeting
Our meeting will focus on the 2008 Operating Standards for Ohio Education Agencies serving Children with Disabilities. We will once again honor an exceptional educator in the community who has had an impact on the life of a child with specific learning disabilities. Bobbi Miller, Educational Consultant at Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP will be our guest speaker.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
at Corporate College East
Cost: In Advance---- Member $10.00 Non Member $15.00
At the Door-----Member $15.00 Non member $20.00
Light refreshments will be serviced

216-581-4549 or
Make checks payable to LDANEO

Parents & Teacher

Attention- Parents and Teacher
****this is a unique learning opportunity***
The Learning Disabilities Association of Northeast Ohio is offering a unique opportunity for parents and teachers to learn about Specific Learning Disabilities. The sessions will give parents and teachers and increased understanding of SLD, special education laws, evaluation, and IEPS's.
This class will be at our office- 4800 East 131st Street Suite B, Garfield Hts, Ohio
The class will Meet every Tuesday and Thursdays
strarting Oct, 23
PLEASE call for more detials!
you dont want to miss out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tune In WKYC TV 3

Dont forget to tune -

-- Discussing Learning Disabilities --

-- Discussing FREE presentation at Joseph-Beth Booksellers w/Lawrence School –




Ellen S. Fishman, M.Ed., Executive Director of the Learning Disabilities Association of Northeast Ohio will be discussing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) as it relates to specific learning disabilities on
Monday, October 6th at 7:00 p.m. ,
and again on Tuesday, October 7th at 1:00 p.m.,
at the Joseph-Beth Booksellers at Legacy Village.
Ellen will be joined by Vanessa Diffenbacher, Director of Lawrence Lower School. Vanessa will be discussing strategies that parents can use if they feel their child has a learning disability.

This event is free-of-charge. For more information, contact Learning Disabilities Association of Northeast Ohio at 216-581-4549 or the Lawrence Lower School at 440-526-0003.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Kids Need To Succed

Learn Proven Practical Ways to Raise Successful kids
Judy Galbraith : National Publisher and co-Author
She is coming to the Cleveland area and will be speaking
*******FREE SPEAKER******
September 22, 2008
7:00-8:30 pm
Westlake Performing Arts Center
27830 Hilliard, Westlake, Ohio 44145
September 23, 2008
7:00-8:30 pm
Corporate College East
4400 Richmond Rd, Warrensville Hts. Ohio 44128
September 24, 2008
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Auditorium
6380 Mills Rd, Broadview Hts, Ohio 44147
1.5 FREE CEUs provided through Beech Brook
1.5 FREE RCHs provided through The Ohio Resource Center
For more information call- 216-831-8600 ext 2014
Milestones Family Workshop: Basic ABA
This workshop is for family members, caregivers, tutors or others interested in learning basic ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) strategies to use in their home.
Topics include: Applied Behavior Analysis overview, Identifying student goals (assessment), ABA tools and techniques.
For more information go to milestones family workshops online.

Date: Sunday, September 7
Location: Twinsburg Public Library
10050 Ravenna Rd.Twinsburg, OH 44087
Time: 1:30-3:30 pm
Cost: Free
Call 216-371-4765 to register or email> Walk in's welcome! Registration secures handouts!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The new guide is out and has been revised-

Whose IDEA Is This? A Parents Guide
to the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004 (July 1, 2008)

Check it out on the Ohio Department of Education Website

Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School

I cant believe it back to school time-
Check this article on
10 Tips for Smart Back-to-School Shopping
check it out-

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

NEW Fall 2008 Social Skills Class

You do not want to miss this!!!!
The Learning Disablities Association
of Cuyahoga County
will be offering a
Social Skills Program
Fall 2008
This program will be for students in 3rd-5th grade.
The program will be once a week for 6 weeks.
PLEASE call for more details!!

FREE Legal Advice

Come check out this FREE event!
FREE Legal Advice
Do you need the help of Legal Aid?
Civil Matters ONLY (NO criminal)
Saturday, August 16, 2008

House of Praise
4321 Elyria Avenue
Lorain, Ohio

First come first serve
Visit the neighborhood clinic to speak with an attorney about your legal problem.
Bring any important papers.
Questions - CALL 440-323-8240 or 1-800-444-7348
This is volunteer Lawyer Program of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Attorneys are available for brief advice and referral only! Clinic attorneys do NOT represent you. If you need legal representation you may be referred to The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Lorian County Office or another service provider.

FREE Brief Advice and Referral Clinics

Come check out this FREE event!
FREE Legal Advice
Do you need the help of Legal Aid?
Civil Matters ONLY (NO criminal)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Intakes begin at 9:45
First come first serve
St. Martin de Porres Center
1264 East 123rd Street
  • Visit the neighborhood clinic to speak with an attorney about your legal problem.
  • Bring any important papers.
  • Questions - CALL 216-687-1900
This is volunteer Lawyer Program of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
Attorneys are available for brief advice and referral only! Clinic attorneys do NOT represent you. If you need legal representation you may be referred to The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, Lorian County Office or another service provider.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Tips for Shifting from School Year to Summer Break

LD can Effect Anyone!

Lots of Famous People have
Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities and/or AD/HD.
Check out the list!!

Thinking about college?

Cleveland State University
Women's Comprehensive Program
Invites you to
the re-entry outreach Program
FREE college Orientation
June 18, 2008
Call for more information
This program is looking to assist women's whose education has been delayed or deferred and who are thinking about college. This program is looking for women who need help and dont know the next steps to take. Call for more information!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Calling ALL parent and educators!!!

Nominate Your Favorite Teacher!
LDACC is well aware of the positive impact a caring adult (other then a parent) can have on a child with a specific learning disability. We are fortunate enough to encounter such individuals on a daily basis and we hope you do too. We are once again asking for teacher nominations for exceptional educators to
honor at our next Annual Meeting.
Please fax, send or e-mail this information to Wendy Spitz
4800 131 Street
Suite B
Garfield Hts, Ohio 44105
phone- 216-581-4549
fax- 216-581-7076

All you need to do is- let us know-

  • Name of Teacher
  • Name of School and Telephone number
  • Principal full name
  • Your Name and Phone
  • Teacher’s Title: / Grade Taught: / Years Taught
  • Teaching:
  • Why is this teacher exceptional?
  • Additional Comments you want to share

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Social Skills Camp

Space is still available!
Tune up Your Social Skills!!!!
Do you have a child with a specific learning disabilities who will be
entering grade 3-5 grade in the 2008-2009 school year?
Does your child need help with social skills? LDACC is offering an interactive
and enjoyable summer program. This class will address appropriate responses in a variety of social
situations, reading "body language", making and keeping friends and much more!!
2 sessions being offered at the LDACC office
5 day session
July 28, 29, 30, 31 and August 1
Members: $75.00 Non members: $100.00

10 day session
July 28, 29, 30, 31, August 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Members: $120.00 Non members: $150.00

Please Contact Wendy Spitz at
216-581-4549 to enroll

Talk, Play, & Learn

Please Join us at the-
Garfield Heights Library- Meeting Room
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Parent and Caregivers of children with identified learning disabilities or reading difficulties are invited, with their children, to join us for an evening of play and conversation with representatives from Learning Disabilities Association of Cuyahoga County.
This program is targeted towards children entering grades 2 & 3 but all are welcome!
This program is FREE- but registration is required!
please call Jenni Haag

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Summer Ideas

With summer just around the corner-
these article has some wonderful ideas
check it out!!
Summer Activities for Kids with Learning Disabilities:
Making Wise Choices
Get Ready for Summer: Five Things to Do Now
How to Add Education to Your Family Vacation
Choose the Summer Program That's Right for Your Child

Monday, May 12, 2008

Parenting Your Anxious Child

Dr. Senders and Associates is please to present a special educational program:
A panel presentation for parents about youth who tend to be anxious, worried or nervous.
May 19, 2008
7:00-8:30 pm
This program is FREE and open to the public-
PLEASE RSVP 216-291-9424 ext. 143
more info check out-
Location: Cedars on the Green Health Care Center
2054 S. green Road
S. Euclid, Ohio

Monday, April 14, 2008

Summer Social Skills Program

Tune up Your Social Skills!!!!
Do you have a child with a specific learning disabilities who will be
entering grade 3-5 grade in the 2008-2009 school year?
Does your child need help with social skills? LDACC is offering an interactive
and enjoyable summer program. This class will address appropriate responses in a variety of social
situations, reading "body language", making and keeping friends and much more!!
2 sessions being offered at the LDACC office
5 day session
July 28, 29, 30, 31 and August 1
Members: $75.00 Non members: $100.00
10 day session
July 28, 29, 30, 31, August 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Members: $120.00 Non members: $150.00
Please Contact Wendy Spitz at
216-581-4549 to enroll

Monday, March 31, 2008

This web link is new and improved!!!
It is a great way to order FREE United States of Education Publications

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

One Day Conference

We wanted to share with you information on an upcoming conference sponsored by;
The Ohio Coalition for Education Children with Disabilities

O.C.E.C.D. Conferences

"Facilitated IEPs: Making Them Work For You". An interactive seminar with Eva Soeka a Director of the Marquette University Graduate Program in Dispute Resolution and Center for Dispute Resolution Education and Ann Guinan an Assistant Director Procedural
April 22, 2008 (One-day conference)
9:00 AM - 3:00 AM
Conference Fee:
Registrations Due:
April 14, 2008
Sheraton Independence Hotel5300 Rockside Road Independence, OH 44131
Contact Person:
Connie Hudson
Contact Email:
Contact Fax:
Contact Phone:
Registration Mail:
165 W. Center Street, Suite 302 Marion, OH 43302
Conference will be limited to 200 participants. Certificate of Attendance will be available.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Summer 2008 Scholarships

Hurry!!! Hurry!!
Are you looking for a Scholarship to attend a program this summer?
If so- check this out today-- Applications are due March 31, 2008
IDEA-Individuals Devoted to Educational Advocacy
is a charitable organization located in Northeast Ohio
IDEA is looking to allow students with disabilities
to maintain educational, physical and social growth over the summer .
IDEA's scholarship could help.
Students must be between 3-21 years old with special educational needs
whose families exhibit financial needs are eligible recipients.
for more information and a application please contact IDEA- 216-371-9874
or also --Wendy at the Learning Disabilities Association of Cuyahoga County at 581-4549

Monday, February 25, 2008

Great Minds Don't Learn Alike

The Learning Disabilities Association
of Cuyahoga County
invites you to attend the

2008 Annual Gala

In Honor off Anne & Allegra Ford and Six other Local Honorees
Emcee: Kim Wheeler
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Ritz -Carlton Hotel
Cleveland, Ohio
Please call for information on this great evening
of unique cutting edge presentations, good food, and fun-
benefiting LDACC.

2008 Ohio Covering Kids and Families Conference

Here is some information about an upcoming event sponsored by Voices for Ohio Children's

Getting to the Finish Line for Ohio's Children and Families
2008 Ohio Covering Kids and Families Conference
March 12, 2008
Quest Business Centers at Polaris
Columbus, Ohio
A one day conference on improving access to health care for Ohio's children and families. Learn how Ohio's new health initiatives can expand and improve public health programs for children and families.
call 1-877-881-7860 for more information about this event
or on line at www.vfc-oh.otg

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Helpful Resource for Parents

Wanted to share with you this article:

Pre-referral: The First Step in Addressing Your Child’s Learning Difficulty